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I'm Charity, a senior and family photographer; mom to one; and believer based in the western burbs of Chicago.





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Just over two years ago in the summer of 2016, my friend Taylor’s wedding went viral across the internet for her airbrushed wedding dress and wound up in articles on Buzzfeed and Yahoo. In fact, you’ve probably seen her dress on Pinterest. The incident blew up her social media accounts and filled her inbox with requests from brides across the world eager to get their hands on a custom painted dress of their own. 

Taylor’s work is bold and always filled with bursts of color. It strays from the norm and isn’t afraid to take risks.
No, seriously. I mean you should see the step-by-step process that she posts on her blog of what the dresses look like as they’re being worked on. It takes a skilled hand and a creative mind to see the bigger picture and start with a blank canvas! 

Fast forward to 2019, and now Taylor is not only still taking custom work, but she has expanded her services to taking discounted dresses from the shelves of bridal stores and recreating them into colorful masterpieces for sale. 

I had the privilege of photographing her first dress for sale. Thanks to fellow photographer Ashleigh for modeling the dress for us! You can follow Taylor Ann’s work on Instagram.

What’s amazing about this gorgeous lacy dress is that it can be either elegant and sexy, OR can be upgraded to a total rock ‘n roll bride look with some leather accessories.

If you know someone who might rock this custom hand-painted purple wedding dress, or if you yourself are interested, make sure to contact Taylor Ann Art and check for availability! 

And as always, you know where to find me, too. 😉 


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