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I'm Charity, a senior and family photographer; mom to one; and believer based in the western burbs of Chicago.





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“What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” -Helen Keller   Congratulations to this precious couple, who are celebrating not only 8 years of being together, but a new chapter of engagement that will soon lead them into marriage. Keaton and Donny’s session was […]

Earlier this year, I sat in the nursery of my church rocking a baby, watching another play with his toys, and chatting with Andrea, the other nursery helper for the day. We talked all things work, school, and boys (of course!). Andrea was single, but told me about her thoughts of signing up for a […]

Recently, I had the honor of photographing my cousin and his new wife, in celebration of the [soon] arrival of their little boy. After over a year of close friendship and within a few months of dating, Paul and his girlfriend Arianna surprised us all with an engagement announcement. Just about one week later, they surprised […]

I crouched in the tall grass, swatting bugs, dodging mud puddles, and pulling my gray hood tighter around my face to conceal any skin. Any moment now, Jeremiah would be pulling out the fortune cookie that was secretly holding Shannon’s incredible engagement ring. Any moment now, she’d be opening the cookie and reading the question […]

Have you ever have a friend who you’ve known your whole life, been extremely close to, and then as you grew up you barely ever saw each other, but EVERY time you got together it was as if nothing every happened and you were still the best of friends? That pretty much describes my friendship […]

© 2024 charity white photography