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I'm Charity, a senior and family photographer; mom to one; and believer based in the western burbs of Chicago.





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Ahhhh, this girl is a BLAST. Let me tell you. If you want to feel free, confident, happy, and overall in a better mood, just rent-a-Nicole for the day!!!

…Okay just kidding. (Wouldn’t that be hilarious if you could actually rent a person to lift your spirits?! I mean I think they call those psychiatrists nowadays but.. yeah….not the same.)

Anyway, I’m not kidding about the first part.

My favorite part about Nicole is her carefree and adventurous spirit. I can tell she is a leader. When I heard some of her life story and about her heart for worship, I was blessed and encouraged to see her living her calling. Clearly she has a gift for music – and a beautiful, powerful voice – and to see that she’s using it on a worship team at her church is amazing! God will do great things with her, I just know it!

We headed to the beautiful arboretum that’s on the Cal State Fullerton campus, and got to explore the beautiful grounds and have fun with her photos. I’ve never seen such diversity in an arboretum before. I mean one minute we were weaving through a bamboo field, and the next we were standing next to cactuses! Talk about different parts of the world! We didn’t have a problem finding interesting areas to explore, climb on, and get photos of. Successful day, for sure.

I’m grateful for the chance to gain another friend and to show the world her fantastic smile.


~ Charity



This next set with her guitar was my absolute favorite.
She has a gorgeous voice and a real talent  – it was so soothing hearing her gently play as the sun was setting behind her!! I just love when my clients are IN THEIR ELEMENT. Those are the real moments. Who you really are.

Embrace your gifts, and never be afraid to shine!


© 2025 charity white photography. all rights reserved.