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I'm Charity, a senior and family photographer; mom to one; and believer based in the western burbs of Chicago.





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My engagement shoot with Josh and Kayla was the perfect mixture of hilarious fun and dreamy romance. They’re both goofy and love to laugh together, and they clearly share a deep friendship and love. It was so great getting to pull out both sides in their photos. We went to Santiago Oaks Regional Park in Orange, got lost a little on the winding trails, hiked up crazy steep hills, ate BBQ chips and Twizzlers, laughed, danced, and laughed some more. I’m in LOVE with how these turned out!

Six months ago, I didn’t know Josh and Kayla that well. Josh was attending the college group that my husband and I lead at Calvary Chapel Cypress, and I had talked to him here and there. But it wasn’t until around Thanksgiving, when he brought a tall, thin, super cute girl with him and introduced her that we finally started talking more. Calvin and I invited them over to our home, where we had dinner together and got to find out their story.

We learned that they had just met each other several weeks earlier, and had almost immediately started dating. They sat and told us how they just knew that they were meant for each other, that God had brought them together, and that they planned on getting married soon. I remember thinking to myself “Whaaaaaat? Are they crazy!” But that could be just because I know that for myself, it took me a long time to hear from God that marrying Calvin was the right thing. I was slow, meticulous, even scared. It limited me and even though everything turned out beautiful it still was a lesson in courage that I needed to learn. So as I sat listening to Kayla and Josh share their story, I couldn’t help but feel impressed by the courage they shared. They’ve both been waiting, praying, and saving themselves for the right person God would bring. And God truly does work in different ways for everyone.

Just about one month later, they got engaged. And now in just a few more months they will be married!

It’s been fun getting to know them and becoming better friends. It’s obvious that they are perfect for each other.

And my FAVORITE thing of all? You’ll notice that none of these are kissing photos. They have both made the decision together to abstain from kissing and to save it for the wedding day! How sweet!!

I wish them all the best and am excited to see where God will take them!


Leave them a comment, and let’s wish them all the best!

Congrats, you two!!

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